The behavioral policy at Archbishop Mitty High School is based on our educational philosophy that emphasizes both the development of community and the personal responsibility of individuals. It also conforms to the guidelines established by the Diocesan Department of Education which call for “....reasonable controls to promote the individual student’s development and self-discipline and a Christian environment in which the rights and responsibilities of individuals are recognized and upheld.” The individual, in turn, must assume responsibility for his or her actions. To that end, an individual who is uncooperative or deceives the faculty or administration, specifically during a disciplinary investigation, is liable for dismissal.
The following is not permitted:
The following are behaviors for which individuals may face significant disciplinary actions:
As a Catholic co-educational high school, Archbishop Mitty High School (AMHS) respects and promotes the dignity and worth of each human being. As such, we find individual use and abuse of alcohol and drugs incompatible with our mission and philosophy. Such use also jeopardizes the safety of everyone in this educational community. AMHS expects individuals to avoid any use of, involvement with, or possession of alcohol or drugs. Therefore, in responding to the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol by children at AMHS, the school’s actions will always be guided by the following norms delineated in the Administrative Handbook of the Department of Education of the Diocese of San Jose:
Possessing, selling, giving away, using, or being under the influence of drugs and/or hazardous substances on the campus, at school functions, or at a time and place that directly involves the school, renders a student liable to expulsion. (5177.1)
AMHS reserves the right to contact local law enforcement when a student is found to have used, been in possession of, sold, or distributed any drugs and alcohol.
An athletic or enrichment camp fee will not be refunded once registration closes. Registration closes the Monday the week before camp begins. An individual can receive a refund up to the Monday of the week before their Summer Program begins.
An important goal of a dress code is to teach young people that in the larger arena of life, different types of dress are appropriate for different settings. Parents and guardians who send their children to Archbishop Mitty High School (AMHS) Summer Program, and children who choose the AMHS Summer Program experience, accept the judgment of the Administration as final in matters of school policies and procedures, including dress code. To that end, individuals in this setting are expected to be clean and neat in their personal appearance, observing standards of modesty, moderation, and good taste.
“Modesty in dress” at this educational institution requires that students refrain from wearing such items as tight-fitting and revealing clothing, and from displaying visible cleavage, visible underwear, bare midriffs, etc. Attire that is distracting or extreme is also prohibited. Since the parent is the primary educator of the student, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the child is in the correct dress code on a daily basis while on campus.
The Summer Program reserves the right to regulate against upcoming fads or fashions that reflect negatively on the school and/or person. Interpretation and judgment in matters pertaining to dress and personal appearance are, obviously, necessary. In this area the Director of Summer Program is the final and sole judge of what is, or is not, acceptable for an individual.
We reserve the right to request that the following not be worn to school:
An Emergency Situation is a circumstance that results in a potential threat to the health and safety of the individuals on campus. Such situations would include, but are not limited to, the following: fire, earthquake, explosion, emission of toxic fumes, bomb threats, weapons and/or intruders on campus.
The school is prepared to deal with such situations. In such events, our plan outlines administration, staff, student, and parent responsibilities in an Emergency Situation and the use of the Emergency Contact and Disaster Release Contact information collected at registration in cases of illness, injuries or disastrous events.
International students are welcome to register for camps in our Summer Program. However, our Summer Program is not designed to support students whose English language skills are below grade level. The ability to listen, respond, and react in English is required for camp work and activities. It is an important safety issue, and therefore we reserve the right at any time to dismiss an International child from camp without refund if they are deemed not fluent in the English language at grade level.
If a student becomes ill while attending a camp, the student should communicate such illness immediately to their adult supervisor. If it is determined a student should leave, he or she must report to the Summer Program office where their condition will be evaluated and the parent/guardian notified.
If your student must be absent due to illness, please notify our Summer Programs Office at with your student’s name, the reason for their absence and the day they will be absent. Whenever possible, a student's absence should be reported at the earliest convenience, preferably a date before the student is absent.
When registering, you will be required to confirm that your child’s immunization record is up to date and on file at your child’s current school as per the State of California Requirement (CDPH286). At any time, we reserve the right to request the record. Failure to comply would be probable grounds for dismissal without refund.
Any photographs or video footage taken of your child at Archbishop Mitty High School may be published without limitations or reservations.
The deadline to Register/Drop is the Monday the week prior to the class/camp start date. Specifically, Registrations must be completed before the start-time of a camp or class on the Monday one week prior, and Drops can be refunded up until 11:59pm on the Monday one week prior.
Camps and courses are filled on a first come, first serve basis. If your camp choice is unavailable (does not appear on the registration), then maximum capacity has been reached. A wait list is not available. Once enrollment is full, you may log into your registration account whenever possible to view any potential openings that may occur.
If your student must be absent for any reason, please notify our Summer Programs Office at with your student’s name, the reason for their absence and the day they will be absent as soon as it is known that they will be absent.
Whenever possible, a student's absence should be reported at the earliest convenience, preferably a date before the student is absent.
Contacting Your Child(ren) During the Day:
The Main and the Summer Program Offices do not take messages for students/campers except in a medical or serious family emergency. Doctor appointments, ride information, messages from employers, etc., are not considered emergencies. In the case of an emergency, please call the Summer Program Office: 408.342.4200
Closed Campus:
A student shall not leave campus for any reason during their scheduled day (including break time) without first gaining approval from the Summer Program Office. Once individuals are on campus, they are not allowed to go to a vehicle (parked in a lot or on the street) during his/her scheduled day to obtain belongings, including books, lunches, projects, etc. In an emergency situation, he/she may request a Release Slip from the Summer Program Office.
Search of Vehicles and Bags:
Searches are necessary at times for maintaining order, security, health, and welfare of children and the rest of the school community. Archbishop Mitty High School reserves the right to examine the contents of personal individual property including but not limited to backpacks, cell phones, and student vehicles when there is reasonable suspicion of a violation of law or of school policy wherein dangerous, stolen, or illegal goods may be present. A student’s refusal to cooperate with such an examination may be considered sufficient reason to suspend the student and immediately dismiss the student from the Summer Program.
Parking Regulations:
Parking on the Archbishop Mitty campus is on a first-come, first-served basis and in areas only designated for non-employees. Archbishop Mitty is not responsible for the vehicle or its contents. Individuals should make every effort to hide from view any valuables left inside their vehicles. All students must be licensed and covered by insurance. Students are expected to comply with the DMV first-year driving restrictions with regard to transporting other students. Students parking on city streets are subject to city enforcement of all laws. There shall be no speeding over 5 m.p.h. or any form of reckless driving on school grounds. Drivers on campus must obey the direction of parking lot supervisors to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
Student cell phone and personal listening device use (including iPods and smart watches) is not permitted on campus while individuals attend a camp or class (including break and lunch time).
The Summer Program reserves the right to monitor all activity on the AMHS electronic network. Students have no expectation of privacy with respect to usage of the electronic network, even if the use is for personal purposes. Students are responsible for their individual personal accounts and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use them, which includes, but is not limited to keeping passwords private.
When a student encounters an issue accessing Canvas, the student must email the teacher immediately and complete an IT Help Desk Request (located on our Summer homepage).
While utilizing any portion of the AMHS electronic network and equipment, students are expected to exhibit responsible behavior and to refrain from engaging in inappropriate use. Students may be held responsible for any damage that is caused by their inappropriate use of the network or equipment. The Diocese of San Jose authorized representatives will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the AMHS electronic network.