The Muse

The Muse, the school literary magazine, is a publication that is produced by Mitty students (editors) who accept submissions from the entire community of Mitty students.  This publication is for the enjoyment of the faculty, staff, students, and the wider community of Archbishop Mitty High School.

The Muse will be published regularly (once or twice a year) by student editors who will consider poems and short stories from current Mitty students.  The main purpose of this literary magazine will be to give student creative writers at Mitty an opportunity to see their work published and to share it with a wider group.  Each year the moderators of the literary magazine will accept applications for editors, choosing 6-8 students who demonstrate a commitment to creative writing and to the publication of such work.  Through their efforts, they will showcase their intellectual competence and their ability to be respectful leaders.  They may also develop their skills of editing, layout, and design, using various desktop publishing programs to enhance the visual aesthetics of the published literary magazine.

The Muse - Fall 2024