The behavioral policy at Archbishop Mitty High School is based on our educational philosophy that emphasizes both the development of community and the personal responsibility of individuals. It also conforms to the guidelines established by the Diocesan Department of Education which call for “....reasonable controls to promote the individual student’s development and self-discipline and a Christian environment in which the rights and responsibilities of students and teachers are recognized and upheld.” The Archbishop Mitty student, in turn, must assume responsibility for his or her actions. To that end, a student who is uncooperative or deceives the faculty or administration, specifically during a disciplinary investigation, is liable for dismissal.
Students are not allowed to be in a classroom, gymnasium, pool, or office area without a staff member present to supervise.
Changing times are 10 minutes into a class and 10 minutes prior to dismissal of a class. On the day of a contest that starts less than an hour after school, and only when sufficient time is not available to change clothing, athletes may change into uniforms with team warm-ups during their lunch period and wear this to afternoon classes. Any student entering the locker room outside of these time frames will be referred to the Dean for detention.
Electronic devices are brought to school at the student’s own risk, e.g.,, cell phones, laptop computers, and all types of cameras. AMHS absolves itself of any financial responsibility in the case of the theft of such items. However, all theft should be reported to the Dean of Students.
In cases where there is a history of classroom behavioral problems or a serious behavioral infraction outside of the classroom, a behavior contract will be written stating expectations for behavior and signed by the student, parents, and appropriate school personnel. Failure to comply with the stated conditions will result in Disciplinary Monitoring or dismissal from school.
Detention is assigned to students for tardiness, absenteeism, and minor offenses of school regulations. Detention consists of written or physical work done during the school day, after school, or on Saturday. For after-school detention, students must promptly report to the detention classroom by 2:45 PM. Detention is a minimum of one hour in duration. For Saturday detention, students must report at the time and place assigned. Saturday detention is a minimum of three hours in duration, usually 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Students must report for detention on the day assigned. Changing from the assigned day is done only with the approval of the Deans or Assistant Dean.
A student who fails to submit a written detention on time is assigned two hours of detention and is not allowed to perform written detention for one year. Failure to report for detention a second time will result in four hours of detention. Subsequent failures to serve will result in loss of attendance at extracurricular events (dances and other social events). After the second extracurricular privilege is lost, the student is placed on Disciplinary Monitoring.
Appropriate behavior is expected of all Mitty students at all times and in all places. Student behavior off campus is subject to school disciplinary action. This is especially true at school-related activities and events off-campus as well as a student's behavior and online presence. Archbishop Mitty students are expected to represent the school well at all times and must comply with all civil laws. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from school.
Integrity is an important component of any educational experience and in all areas of life. A component of personal integrity is academic integrity. It is the right, privilege, and responsibility of each individual to contribute to and work in a community of trust. A student’s integrity in his/her academic work is directly linked to his/her intellectual growth. A high level of academic integrity is expected from all AMHS students in his/her classwork, homework, and examinations.
Violations of academic integrity include cheating, plagiarism, and theft of academic materials.
“Cheating” means giving or receiving an unfair, dishonest, or deceitful advantage over others in school work. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- talking, using signs or gestures to communicate information or request information during an examination;
- copying an assignment from another student or allowing another student to copy your assignment;
- passing along examination information from one class period to members of another class period or to a student who was absent for the examination;
- looking onto another student’s examination for information or allowing a student to look your work;
- using notes in any form on a closed-book or closed-note examination;
- submitting pre-written work when such work is supposed to be written in class;
- using unauthorized study aids, notes, books, data , or other information (including electronically-formatted information)
- falsifying data (science labs, statistics, etc.);
- “working together” on an assignment when individual work is required;
- stealing copies of examinations; selling, copying, or letting others copy an examination.
“Plagiarism” means presenting as one’s own, the works, the opinions, the ideas, the arrangement of materials, or the thought pattern of someone else (including on the Internet) without proper acknowledgement. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- having a parent or another person write an essay or do a project which is then submitted as one’s own work;
- failing to use proper documentation and works cited (bibliography) or fabricating a bibliography;
- directly quoting a source without citation;
- summarizing or paraphrasing another’s ideas or work without proper citation;
- copying and pasting from the Internet without citation;
- using a translator in World Languages.
Any incident of academic dishonesty is considered a violation of the school code of conduct. Violations of academic integrity result in both academic and disciplinary consequences.
Repeated violations of academic integrity will result in more severe consequences. Serious violations or repeated violations are subject to referral to the Student Review Board.
The Main Office and the Attendance/Dean of Students Office do not take messages for students except in a medical or serious family emergency. Doctor appointments, ride information, messages from employers, etc., are not considered emergencies. In the case of an emergency, please call the Attendance Office, 342-4211.
The school does not make deliveries to students (including but not limited to meals, athletic equipment, class or team snacks, holiday greetings, personal celebratory items, etc.). Food delivery is not permissible. The following academic items can be dropped off at the Main Office for student pick up:
- textbooks/notebooks
- homework/projects
- school issued iPads