
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” (Luke 20: 17)

“So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:19-20)



What Is Cornerstone?

Cornerstone is a youth ministry program for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors that combines both youth group faith experiences and service learning in a supportive community.  Once a week the group will meet and either go to a service location in the San Jose area to complete service learning or they will stay on campus to participate in a youth group gathering.  Youth group gatherings will be a mixture of prayer, fun community building activities, small group sharing, & discussion of important issues. Cornerstone is a semester long program, however, a student is welcome to  continue to come for the full year if they desire.

Does Cornerstone Fulfill My Service Learning Requirement?

Yes!  Every student who completes a semester of Cornerstone will fulfill their service learning requirement.  Students who complete their requirement the first semester would be encouraged, but not required, to continue with service and the youth group the second semester.

Do I Need To Be Christian To Be A Member?

Cornerstone is “Christocentric,” meaning that it is rooted in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We look to Jesus as a model of discipleship and a source of inspiration.  As a Catholic school, we also seek to encounter God through prayer and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.   Although most of the Cornerstone members come from the Christian tradition, past members have come from diverse faith traditions.  These Cornerstone members have contributed to our understanding and appreciation of other religions. The most important quality of a Cornerstone member is a desire to grow closer to God and be of service to the community.

What Is The Application Process?

Every freshman, sophomore, and junior in the school has the opportunity to join Cornerstone. Students can apply and be accepted into the program each semester.  You may apply for either semester at the beginning of the year. 

  • Apply on the Forms Section of the Portal
  • Priority Application Deadline:  August 1st-23rd (you may apply for either fall or spring semester)
  • Secondary Application Deadline: should spots remain for spring semester, the application will be announced to students through announcements and email in early December. However, it is recommended that all interested students apply for their desired semester by August 23rd. 

What Would the Schedule Look Like?

What Is The Attendance Policy?

Anytime a small group forms, it’s extremely beneficial to the group’s growth to have all the members present.  In order to meet the minimum requirement for service learning hours, students need to come to 7 out of the 8 sessions. 

There may be an exception based on an emergency if communicated with the Director of Campus Ministry.  

What Is The Cost?

The cost of Cornerstone is $50 for the semester.  That includes a shirt, snacks, transportation, and activites.  


Feel free to contact Jamie Visser (Director of Campus Ministry)