The following topics will be covered on the freshman placement exams held in April. Students do not need to prepare for the placement exams as they are designed for the department chairs to accurately place students in courses based on what they have learned so far.
Algebra I - taken by 8th grade students currently enrolled in Algebra I
- Expressions, Equations, and Functions
- Properties of Real Numbers
- Solving Linear Equations
- Graphing Linear Equation
- Linear Functions
- Inequalities and Absolute Value
- Systems of Equations and Inequalities
- Exponents and Exponential Functions
- Polynomials and Factoring
Geometry - taken by 8th grade students currently enrolled in Geometry
- Essentials of Geometry
- Reasoning and Proof
- Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Congruent Triangles
- Relationships within Triangles
- Similarity
- Right Triangles and Trigonometry
- Quadrilaterals
- Properties of Circles
- The Scientific Method
- Using Formulas and Scientific Units
- Interpreting Data and Analyzing Graphs
- States of Matter
- Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter
- Elements of the Periodic Table
- Atomic Structure
- Energy and Motion
- Body Systems
- Structure and Function of the cell
- Basic Genetics
- Cell Division
- Ecology
World Languages
- Nouns and articles
- Numbers 0-60
- The verb être
- Regular –er verbs
- Adjective agreement
- Present tense of regular –er verbs
- Forming questions and expressing negation
- The present tense of avoir
- Telling time
- Descriptive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Numbers 61-100
- Prepositions of location and disjunctive (stress) pronouns
- The verb aller
- Interrogative words
- The verbs prendre and boire; partitives
- Regular –ir verbs
- Greetings and good-byes
- Introductions and expressions of courtesy
- The French alphabet
- People and things around the classroom
- Silent letters
- Academic life
- Liaisons
- Everyday activities
- The letter r
- Family, friends, and pets
- L’accent aigu and l’accent grave
- More descriptive adjectives
- Professions and occupations
- L’accent circonflexe, la cédille, and le tréma
- Places and adjectives around town
- Oral vowels
- Going to a café
- Nasal vowels
- Subject pronouns
- Negative Sentence Pattern
- Yes/no questions
- Interrogative Pronouns
- WH Questions
- Singular/plural pronouns
- Articles
- Adjective positions
- Ordinal numbers
- Possession Pronoun
- Possessive Particle
- The positions of adverbials of time and
adverbials of place in sentences.
- Measure Words
- Tag Questions
- The imperative
- Greet people and say goodbye
- Introduce yourself and others
- Ask and say how to write names
- Phone numbers
- Say what day of the week it is
- Colors
- Numbers 1-100
- Respond to classroom instructions
- Talk about activities
- Say what you like and don’t like to do
- Identify people and things
- Talk about how you feel
- Describe people and locations
- Tell where you are from
- Talk about daily schedules
- Ask and tell time
- Express possession
- Say what you do and how often you do things
- Describe classes and classroom objects
- Say where things are located
- Say where you are going
- Talk about foods and beverages
- Talk about family
- Give dates
- Say what you are going to do
- Plan a party
- Alphabet
- Subject Pronouns
- Gustar + infin
- Articles
- Noun-adj agreement
- Present tense (ar, er, ir verbs)
- Adverbs of frequency
- Interrogatives
- Numbers
- Possessive adjectives
- Comparatives
- Possession with de
- Personal a
- Gustar + nouns
- Stem-changing verbs (e-ie, o-ue, e-i)
- Direct object Pronouns
- Present Progressive
- Tener expressions
- Ir + a + Infin
- Ser & estar
- Affirmative & negative commands (tú)
- Acabar de + infin
- Verbs: tener, ser, jugar, estar, ir, dar,
decir, poner, salir, traer, venir
- Greet people and say goodbye
- Introduce yourself and others
- Ask and say how to spell names
- Say where you are from
- Phone numbers
- Say what day of the week it is
- Colors
- Numbers 1-31
- Respond to classroom instructions
- Talk about activities
- Say what you like and don’t like to do
- Identify people and things
- Talk about how you feel
- Say which foods you like and don’t like
- Make comparisons
- Say what you wear in different seasons
- Describe places and events in town
- Talk about types of transportation
- Order from a menu
- Describe a house and household items
- Describe people and locations
- Talk about chores and responsibilities
- Say what you just did
- Tell where you are from
- Describe yourself and others
- Talk about daily schedules
- Ask and tell time
- Say what you have and have to do
- Say what you do and how often you do things
- Describe classes and classroom objects
- Say where things are located
- Say where you are going
- Talk about foods and beverages
- Ask questions
- Talk about family
- Express possession
- Give dates
- Talk about what clothes you want to buy
- Say what you are going to do
- Indicate the order of things